Everyone by now knows the value of decent content, and estate agents are no different.

Well written articles can be full of organic keywords and valuable content, making you and your site Google’s best friend. Right now though, it’s more important than ever while most of the UK’s population sit at home with the internet being their only link to the outside world, and importantly, your agency.

It’s hard to find the time to write a decent piece when you’re busy running around town valuing, selling, renting, negotiating and bitching about Rightmove. Right now though — mid-lockdown — you may find you finally have time to write those blog posts you know will help your SEO and keep you in front of your audience with something useful, valuable and maybe even entertaining.

But where do you start? Please God not another ‘guide to working from home’ article! In an effort to avoid the noise and provide something your clients will want to read, we’ve compiled a list of ideas to get you started. And if you still don’t have time, or you’re no Jeffrey Archer, we can write any of them for you… for a fee of course.

1 — local area guides

We’ll start with the big one, and probably the most obvious. Even the smallest single office agency will cover an area that can be broken down into 10 or more area guides pointing out the local hot spots, schools, average property prices etc. That’s 10 pages full of keyword-rich content, and if you feature other businesses, add a link and ask them for a backlink to you. Curchods do it really well, Philippa Sole does it with some great videos.

2 — Improve your kerb appeal

How to improve the outside in an afternoon, a day, a week. Break it down into small easy jobs like weeding and larger tasks such as a new roof.

3 — De-cluttering your home ready for sale

Why you should do it to help a sale, where to start, and how to nail it.

4 — Staging your property for sale

Tips on how to reel in those buyers with some simple styling hints. You could enlist the help of a local home staging expert to help write the feature in exchange for a backlink. Find one of those ⟶  here.

5 — Styling your property for rental

How does it differ from selling? Is it worth renting furniture? What kind of items to buy that can be reused in future developments like modular sofas and accessories.

6 — Showcase the best local property deals

Sharing the best local deals will take you up a notch with potential buyers, whether it’s a house in need of a refurb, or sites with development potential, your audience will love you for sharing it. Pick deals your competitors are selling and you’ll stand out as an agent with the client’s best interests at heart, not just your commission.

7 — Quick and easy gardening tips

We’re not talking ripping out the hydrangeas to make way for a sunken hot tub, but some quick tips to enhance your garden ready for sale. Think weeding, tidying borders, trimming hedges etc.

8 — The benefits of downsizing your home

What to do with your home once the kids have flown the nest and the two of you are rattling around like a marble in a tin can. Tips on preparing for sale and what to look for in the new place.

9 — Jargon busting guide

Ok, so you know what a covenant is, how to avoid gazumping, and how to ease in an easement without anyone noticing… but do your clients? Particularly useful for first-time buyers. Find a good one ⟶ here.

10 — Tips for first-time buyers

Neatly on from the last point, there’s a lot more than jargon for first-time buyers to be aware of. Use your guide to help educate those stepping onto the ladder for the first time.

11 — Tips for first-time landlords

Every property mogul was once a first-timer too. Give your next potential Donald Trump a leg up with some tips to help them on their way… They’ll love and remember you for it.

12 — Preparing for a mortgage application

Either general advice on cleaning up your credit score etc, or you could split it into separate articles for self-employed, employed, company directors etc.

13 — Interior design trends

One you can dust off and freshen up at least twice a year.

14 — Recommend some local businesses

This one can also be a regular, and will score you some karma points with those you do recommend. They might also link back to you, but be careful to actually pick people you would stand by and not just anyone, that’s useless!

15 — Packing tips

Getting ready to move? Offer some useful tips on packing ready for the big day.

16 — How to extend your leasehold

Being stuck with a 69-year lease can be a real mood killer, and many people don’t know where to start. Offer some help, indicative costs and recommend a local solicitor that can help.

17 — Garden buildings

There’s a tonne of uses for a garden building, and some amazing prefabricated solutions available for everything from a home office to a gym.

18 — Tips on extending your home

Whether it’s loft conversions or rear extensions, there’s a lot here to talk about and offer your input on adding value.

19 — Art in your home

That ‘tasteful’ nude from your early twenties may go perfectly in your downstairs loo, but might be a bit much for potential buyers. Offer some tips on what to keep and what to store when preparing your home for sale. Involve a local gallery for some good images and a backlink.

20 — Tips for landlords to achieve a higher rent

You know best what floats a renter’s boat in your area, so compile a list of little things landlords can do to demand a higher rent.

21 — HMOs, the new trend for co-living

We’ve all heard of co-working spaces by now, but co-living is on the increase, as is a wave of stylish HMOs from new landlords innovating the genre.

22 — Mortgages for self-employed

Being in charge of your own destiny has its upsides, but also its downsides… It’s like a mission to the moon in comparison to the employed when it comes to mortgage applications. Offer your audience some tips on how to prepare and who to talk to.

23 — Rent or buy, which option is best for you

Each side has its pros and cons, share then with your contacts so they can make an informed decision.

24 — Amazing architecture

Not necessarily local, everyone loves a good bit of home inspo and this sort of thing can help your fledgeling Pinterest page too.

25 — Annexes

Whether it’s somewhere to put granny, or a little side hustle as an Airbnb there’s a lot to consider and a lot to talk about.

26 — Planning tips

Join forces with a local planning consultant to tackle this one and offer some tips for your audience.

27 — Market comparison

What can you get in your patch versus other areas? It’s fascinating what the cost of a two-bedroom flat in Knightsbridge could get you near the New Forest, 13 bedrooms as it turns out!

28 — Equity release / downsizing

Compare the two options facing your older clients to help them make an informed decision.

29 — Different mortgage types

Maybe partner with a local broker for this. There’s so many types of mortgages on offer the choice can be overwhelming. Help your audience make sense of it all with a cheat sheet on the different types.

30 — Interview some locals

No, not Dave from the chip shop, but find some interesting local residents or celebrities to interview; Where the eat, shop, recommend, why they love living in the area etc. Write a fixed format beforehand so they can all follow the same pattern.

31 — Local schools

Most agents already have this data on your site anyway from someone like Locrating, the Spencers site is a good example of this. But collating the important bits into an article can help your buyers decide on which area would suit them best.

32 — Things to do

Your area, every area, is full of things to do and families are often searching for interesting ways to fill a bank holiday weekend and keep the little ones entertained. Think of some things beyond the obvious.

33 — Top local walks

Where’s good for a hike around your area? Compile a top 10 list of local walks that might not be too obvious, ones with a great view, or a super café on the way.

34 — Local events guide

This is one you can update every quarter, listing your local gigs, festivals and fétes.

35 — FAQs

You must have a list of the commonly asked questions. Save yourself some time by noting them down over a few weeks, then list them on a page on your site.

36 — Market analysis

What’s happening in the market this month. Not a generic Rightmove copy and paste. But your first-hand experience on what’s selling and where.

37 — Moving checklist

There’s a tonne of stuff people need to organise when moving house. Whether it’s booking removals or notifying utility suppliers, compile a list vendors can tick off. Even better, provide it as a downloadable PDF that they can print and tick off as they go. It’s another opportunity to have your brand sat on their kitchen table.

38 — Moving timeline

What happens after an offer is accepted? Many buyers and seller don’t have a clue, particularly if they haven’t moved in a while, or ever. Provide a simplified timeline of events with checkpoints for things they should do at each stage.

39 — What makes a good tenant?

Advice for landlords on what makes a good tenant and how to find one… Then how to look after them once you’ve got one.

40 — How to be a good landlord

We’ve all heard the horror stories of landlords from hell, but how can your clients be the good guys?

41 — Childproofing your home

What changes can and should be made to a home when your clients are expecting.

42 — Home security

Some simple tips and advice on securing their largest asset, from CCTV to alarms and lighting.

43 — Energy-saving tips

From the small things like energy-saving bulbs through to insulation and beyond.

44 — What to look for when viewing a property

We all lose our heads a bit when viewing a property and often spend less time on it than what to wear in the morning! Write a list of things people can take with them and look for on their next viewing.

45 — Indoor plants

Indoor planing has a lot of health benefits, but what’s good? How to look after them? And which ones might poison your animals?

46 — Home scents

How important is the smell of your home? Hotels and other brands invest heavily in creating the right atmospheric aroma. Do the same for your home, and we don’t just mean brewing some coffee.

47 — How to bring floorboards back to life

Not everyone’s blessed with original boards underfoot, but if you are, a well-restored set can add some value and salabilty.

48 — Home lighting

Whether it’s mood lighting for a cinema room, or keeping your outdoor space well lit after sunset, you could easily split this into a number of features on different lighting.

49 — 5 things that could devalue a property

Agents often talk about adding value, but what about the simple forgotten things that devalue a home quicker than a pick of orange paint?

50 — Grow your own

You don’t have to turn into Tom and Barbara to grow your own at home. Offer some tips on growing your own herbs, vegetables, or chickens.

51 — Living off-grid

Is living off-grid possible in a ‘normal’ home? And where to start.

52 — Decorating inspiration for kids rooms

Offer some visual stimuli to help your clients create a stunning room for their little ones. Again, great for your Pinterest campaign.

53 — Home office inspiration

Now everyone’s working from home we suddenly realise the value of a good study. Offer some tips and inspiration that will get the creative juices flowing.

54 — Selling a home with pets

Nobody wants to buy a house that smells of wet dog, or worse move in to find a year’s worth of moulted pooch hair stuck in the carpets. Offer your vendors some tips to rid their home of Mr Snuggles’ less loved features before they come to market.

55 — Renovating to add value

There are still some bargains to be had in every market. Highlight the ones worth renovating so your clients can score a bargain.

56 — Converting a house into flats

Not the simplest of tasks, but one that can add some investment value, or be an alternative to downsizing for the mother-in-law. There’s planning and all sorts to consider here, so offer a helping hand through the process.

57 — Landlord insurance

Let you clients know what they need in place before renting our their spare room, the studio above their garage, or their 100 unit build to rent block.

58 — Furnished or unfurnished, that is the question

List the pros and cons for each so landlords and tenants can make an informed choice what’s best for them.

59 — Airbnb, what you need to know

It’s easy to list something on Airbnb, but what do your clients need to know. Write a feature on things they should prepare for, be aware of, and ward against on this growing platform.

60 — Property swaps

How to get a free holiday by swapping yours.

61 — Packing tips

Tips on how best to pack up your stuff before the big move — Think protecting glassware, saving space and time etc.

62 — Space-saving tips for small homes

Not everyone lives in a spacious manor overlooking an orchard. Offer your clients some innovative tips on saving space in their home, from clever storage solutions to multi-use furniture.

63 — How to make a house feel like a home

It’s the little styling details that finish off a home, offer your audience some tips on creating that homely feel in their space. Partner with a local interior designer or home staging expert of some insider tips.

64 — Floorplan tips for developers

How to get the most out of their space. You know what sells best, offer some tips to developers on getting the most from their plans. They might just remember you next time they have a scheme to sell.

65 — How to add character

What to do when you’re faced with a period home someone’s ripped the soul (and features) from.

66 — Local transport

Transport links are becoming ever more important as many abandon cars in favour of public transport. Give a rundown of your area and where the important links are, with times — Is there a quick route to central London? A tram system, or somewhere to hire bicycles?

67 — Crime figures

The savvy buyer will find them out anyway, so don’t hide it, be open about what’s going on where and where’s safest.

68 — Unique listings

Is there a castle for sale, a boathouse, or a penthouse with a 360-degree roof terrace? Pick some highlights from your local area and slightly further afield. Not just on your books, but on any agent’s.

69 — Conveyancing

The fees, the process, how long it should take, what to look out for, and who to use.

70 — Surveys

There are a few different types when buying a home and many people will be clueless to the difference. Help your audience out with a feature debugging the process.

71 — A day in the life of…

A useful insight into a day as a negotiator, a sales chaser or agency boss.

72 — Surprising valuations

Encourage your audience to guess the value of various homes on your books. This one links nicely to some social activity, getting people involved across Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

73 — Independent DIY stores

Sometimes Homebase just doesn’t cut it for that obscure drillbit, offer up a list of local independent DIY and hardware stores.

74 — New build warranties

What’s included, what to look out for and how to negotiate when problems arise with a new build home.

75 — Help to Buy

There’s lots of talk about these deals, but what options are available locally to your buyers?

76 — Inheritance tax

Give some advice to your clients when dealing with their own, or a loved one’s estate.

77 — Splitting the house when you split

Divorce and separation is a tricky time for all involved, give your clients some tips on how to deal with their home amicably, what’s reasonable to expect and how to cope with a new mortgage etc. Team up with a local solicitor for things from the legal perspective.

78 — Buying a holiday home

Whether it’s a seaside home in Cornwall or a ski chalet in the Alps, offer your audience some tips and ideas. You could partner with an agency that covers the areas and ask for a backlink from them.

79 — Smart homes

There’s a huge range of products on the market to make your home smarter than ever. Showcase some innovative options your audience might like to explore. Partner up with a local smart home installer for some added expert advice.

80 — Reduce your carbon footprint

Tips on reducing your own carbon footprint at home, small simple things everyone can do.

81 — Local history

Whilst many might know that Tim Burners-Lee invented the internet, buyers might be interested to learn that he was from Wimborne, a small village near Poole in Dorset.

82 — Writing a will

A potential minefield and probably one to partner with an expert on, but some useful tips to be had for people thinking about writing their wills.

83 — New home gift ideas

Champagne is so unimaginative! Compile a list of thoughtful items people can gift their friends and family when they move home. How about a small tree or rose bush they can plant, or some local produce like a locally distilled gin.

84 — How to value a home

Provide a little inside info on how a property is valued, what research and assessments are made. It will help your clients understand how you value their place when they invite you round because you’ve written such a good blog piece!

85 — Accessibility

Often an afterthought, but what if your potential buyer has mobility problems? Provide details on how can you adapt a home to suit various needs.

86 — Buying at auction

Not everyone’s cup of Darjeeling, but thousands of home change hands at auctions. Partner with a local auction house to provide some insider tips and jargon-busting so your clients understand the process better.

87 — Moving into a care home

An ageing population means care homes are becoming a bigger part of our lives, offer some help and advice for clients looking for themselves or loved ones and what the options are for their current home.

88 — Negotiation tips

Not everyone’s comfortable negotiating on what is often the largest investment they’ve ever made, help them out with some pointers on things to look out for and how to approach things.

Need some help writing any of the above, or something we’ve not thought of? Talk to us, it’s what we do…


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